Friday 19 July 2013

Pakistan is The Biggest Agricultural Country in Asia

Agriculture continues play a vital role in the Pakistan’s economy with pivotal impact on the socio-economic set-up. Geographically Pakistan has different nature of lands, like mountains areas, desert areas and plain field area which is suitable for agriculture. Multan Board Matric Result 2013 Both the land and weather of Pakistan helps to generate growth more and more every year. About 25% of Pakistan's total land area is under cultivation and is watered by one of the largest irrigation systems in the Asia as well world. Pakistan irrigation system is about three times bigger than Russia. Pakistan earns 21.2% of GDP from agriculture and 43% employment is affiliated to this. Punjab is the largest province and having flat grounded area which is the best for wheat and cotton growth.
The most growing crops of Pakistan are wheat, cotton, rice and sugarcane which is earning of more than 75% of the value of total crop outcome. In 2012 last year Pakistan harvest wheat about 23 to 25 million tons. Pakistan exports it as well in large quantity to different countries of Asia. Pakistan exports cotton, rice, wheat, pulses, fruits specially oranges and mangoes, Faisalabad Board Matric Result 2013 vegetables and consumer foods etc. The country is Asia's largest market, second largest for apricot, ghee market and third largest market for onion, cotton and milk market.

Agriculture sector is only the single zone for Pakistan where it has a name is Asia and all over the world, it also taking benefit from raw materials to the downstream industry thereby contributing considerably to the country’s exports. In 2009-10 Pakistan exported agriculture products and items worth was Rs. 288.18 billion. BISE Faisalabad Board 10th Class Result 2013 Pakistan’s economy depends on agriculture area is was called to a Asian Tiger in Asia, Pakistan is little down in this zone for few years but it’s not a terrible situation for county, still giving good productivity every year not only of their own consumptions but also Pakistan still export to other Asian countries.

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